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CHRONOS Ontology

description: Classes and properties to describe space activities in Chronos Knowledge Base

comment: Generic classes and semantic properties



relKeyword (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is related to a keyword Concept",
  "rdf:comment": "subject-document is in a semantic relation with the object-keyword",
  "rdfs:domain": {
    "@id": ""
  "rdf:label": "relKeyword",
  "rdfs:range": {
    "@id": ""
relConcept (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "relConcept",
  "rdf:comment": "a property that relate a web resource to its related concepts in the taxonomy. Preferred domains are celestial objects and web resources",
  "rdf:label": "relConcept"
relAncestor (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "relAncestor",
  "rdf:comment": "a property that relate a chronos:concept to its ancestor in the taxonomy.",
  "rdf:label": "relAncestor"
relMission (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is related to a space mission or a space launch",
  "rdf:label": "relMission",
  "rdf:comment": "subject-document is historically or technically related to a space mission",
  "rdfs:domain": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
  "rdfs:range": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
relEvent (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is a document related to an event",
  "rdf:label": "relEvent",
  "rdf:comment": "subject-document is semantically related with an event or happening",
  "rdfs:domain": {
    "@id": ""
  "rdfs:range": {
    "@id": ""
relTarget (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is a document related to a celestial body named",
  "rdf:label": "relTarget",
  "rdf:comment": "subject-document is semantically related to a celestial body",
  "rdfs:domain": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
  "rdfs:range": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
payload (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is a mission that carries the payload named",
  "rdf:comment": "subject-document is a mission or a launch carrying the object-document",
  "rdf:label": "payload",
  "rdfs:domain": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
  "rdfs:range": [
      "@id": ""
relatedMatch (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "is a DBpedia document with an high level of semantical relation with",
  "rdf:label": "relatedMatch",
  "rdf:comment": "a DBpedia document highly semantically related to another of the same kind",
  "rdfs:domain": {
    "@id": ""
  "rdfs:range": {
    "@id": ""


keyword (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "rdf:label": "keyword",
  "skos:prefLabel": "NASA-STI keyword",
  "rdf:comment": "a keyword representing a Concept in the NASA-STI taxonomy"
webresource (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "rdf:label": "webresource",
  "skos:prefLabel": "A resource crawled from the web",
  "rdf:comment": "the resources crawled are dumped in the triples store"
concept (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "rdf:label": "concept",
  "skos:prefLabel": "a concept stored in",
  "rdf:comment": "other classes instances and webresources are linked to a concept in the taxonomy"
dbpediadoc (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "data taken from a DBpedia page",
  "rdf:label": "dbpediadoc",
  "rdf:comment": "a document representing a wikipedia page information"
launch (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "owl:sameAs": {
    "@id": ""
  "rdf:label": "launch",
  "skos:prefLabel": "a space launch that took place in the past",
  "rdf:comment": "a document representing a space launch taken from wikipedia page"
mission (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "owl:sameAs": [
      "@id": ""
      "@id": ""
  "skos:prefLabel": "a space mission",
  "rdf:label": "mission",
  "rdf:comment": "a document representing a space mission from Chronos legacy"
event (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "owl:sameAs": {
    "@id": ""
  "rdf:label": "event",
  "skos:prefLabel": "an event or happening related with a space mission",
  "rdf:comment": "a document representing an event or happening from Chronos legacy"
webpage (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "a crawled webpage",
  "rdf:label": "webpage",
  "rdf:comment": "a document representing a webpage"
group (endpoint)
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "",
  "skos:prefLabel": "can be queried as a member of this group",
  "rdf:label": "group",
  "rdf:comment": "a string assigning the document to a set or a Class in the datastore, useful for fast querying"